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Voice Recognition

WCDS Annual Fund

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Since Wayne Country Day was founded in 1968, it has challenged and changed generations of young people in Eastern North Carolina.  WCDS is the choice for independent education in our area because it is where community, scholarship, diligence, integrity, and virtue form our students' present and future.  it is where an appreciation of community service, the love of learning, and mutual care are instilled in our children.  The Annual Fund, our annual giving program, plays an invaluable role in providing enrichment opportunities for our students and faculty that tuition alone cannot cover.

The Wayne Country Day School community has always responded generously when asked for support, and we thank you for the time, talent, and resources you have already given our school over the years.  Part of a vibrant school community is your commitment to this school.

Creating and crafting a world class educational experience requires tremendous resources.  As you may know, tuition doesn't cover the full cost of each child's education.  In order to continue our educational mission by growing and expanding our programmatic and social offerings, we need your support.  We ask that you consider making a contribution to our Annual Fund, so that we can continue to thrive in service to our students.

Your generosity impacts our students by supporting the best in learning experiences.  Each donation supports a wide variety of initiatives including academic programs, athletic opportunities, campus maintenance, and technological upgrades, all of which enhance the quality of student life at WCDS.  Whether accessing the latest research for a project, working with fabrication tools and the latest 3-D printing equipment, practicing with new athletic gear, or learning material from top faculty in their field of study, the Annual Fund helps our children reach their full potential as students, artists, leaders, and athletes.  Your support makes it all possible and enriches every aspect of the student experience.

Our school is a special place where each child can belong, create, and achieve.  Your generosity helps the faculty, coaches, and staff fulfill the school's mission of preparing our students for college and the world beyond.

No amount is too small.  Each and every donation is greatly appreciated.

Levels of Giving

Platinum: $5000+

Gold: $2500-$4999

Silver: $1000-$2499

Bronze: $100-$999

1968 Society: $1968 Any individual or family who give $1968 or more will be included in the 1968 Society, which represents the year our school was established

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